Although we will be maintaining social and physical distancing for some time, there is still much we can do from home to make a difference! Rather than meeting in person, we will hold our phone bank training virtually via Zoom.
To get involved (whether or not you have phone banked previously), contact Stan Silver at [email protected] or 772-971-1111 to sign up. Then, create a FREE Zoom account. Visit to download the Zoom software to your laptop, desktop or phone (preferably, on your computer, not phone, which does not work as well). If you are having trouble, you can refer to this handy guide for help setting it up: Prior to the scheduled date, you will receive an email with a hotlink to the virtual training session. All you will need to do is click on the provided link and it will take you to our online meeting automatically. As Nancy Pelosi said about how Democrats will handle campaigning amidst COVID-19, "We Democrats don't agonize, we ORGANIZE!” Thanks for all you do to help Florida GO BLUE!! |
Watch our Virtual Phone Bank Training Video |